Expanded Rental Assistance Benefits Available in September
Now through September 23, 2022
IMPACT Community Action has Emergency Rental and Mortgage Assistance funding available that will expire by 9/23/2022:
Who is eligible for rental assistance at IMPACT?
An eligible household is a household of one or more individuals who are obligated to pay rent on a primary residential dwelling. Households including undocumented immigrants are eligible for assistance.
The household income must be at or below 80% of the Area Median Income.
One or more of the individuals has:
Qualified for unemployment benefits during 2020-2021; or
Experienced a reduction in household income;
Incurred significant costs; or
Experienced other financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, to COVID-19 outbreak.
Potential applicants may also qualify if:
One or more individuals within the household can demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability which may include:
Past due utility or rent notice or eviction notice;
Unsafe or unhealthy living conditions (which may include overcrowding); or
Any other evidence of such risk (as documented in the client file).
Unsafe or unhealthy living conditions are defined as a unit not meeting the minimum habitability standards.
Customers can seek rental and mortgage assistance two different ways - IMPACT Community Action's main office at 711 Southwood Ave will have appointments open from 8am-noon and 1-5 pm Monday through Friday. The online portal can also take applications for rental and mortgage assistance by visiting https://apply.impacthopefund.org/home.
Prerequisites for Homeowner Assistance: Must be a homeowner with primary residence in Franklin County who has experienced a financial hardship, loss of income, or increase in expenses related to the pandemic and meet the program’s annual income eligibility guidelines, which is $147,600 for a family of four.