Rental Assistance

Rental Assistance helps you & your family stay in your home.

IMPACT Rental Assistance*, provides for necessary expenditures for eligible households who have one or more individuals within the household that have qualified for unemployment benefits or experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship during or due, directly or indirectly, to the coronavirus pandemic. 

IMPACT is currently prioritizing tenants at eviction court.  If you have a scheduled eviction hearing, please stop by the Impact table (with your required documents) at the end of the hall on the day of your hearing. 

Required Documentation:

  • Client Intake Form  

  • Documentation of hardship

  • Proof of citizenship

    • Social Security Card

    • Birth Certificate

    • Passport

    • Federal ID

    • Photo Registration 

  • Proof of income for household members 18 years or older for a minimum of the past 30 days (Prioritizing clients who are 50% AMI or below)

  • Lease Agreement – signed by landlord & applicant identifying unit & established rental payment amount

  • Landlord/Property Manager Contact Information (First and Last Name, Phone Number, E-mail Address)f you have an active application, please contact us at (614) 252-2799. 

*The American Rescue Plan Act 2021, ERA 3