Otto Beatty Jr. Men’s Shop
Program Description: Otto Beatty Men’s Shop (OBJr.) promotes and supports the professional appearance of individuals transitioning into employment, entrepreneurship, and self-sufficiency. The “suit” supports individual power and presence in preparation to perform in the workplace.
*Please Note: The men’s shop is currently only serving internal participants who are connected to our workforce development programs.*
Documentation Needed:
Valid driver’s license/photo I.D. for the main applicant
Social Security card for every member of the household
Previous 30 days' proof of income for everyone 18 and over in the household
Examples include employment pay stubs, SSI award letter, etc.
How to Apply for Services: Customers can email
Customer Walk-In Availability: There are no walk-in options available.
Options to Submit an Application: In-person upon their scheduled appointment time.
Who is eligible?
Franklin County residents who are at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
Where are you located?
IMPACT Community Action ( 1st Floor ) 711 Southwood Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43207
What are the hours of operation?
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. (appointment only)
What can I receive?
Fitting includes a jacket, pants, shirt, tie, belt, socks, and shoes based on availability.
Professional Grooming for a licensed Barber. (by appointment only)
How long does it take?
Fitting & Grooming can take up to one hour.
How often can I receive suiting?
Once per program year
How can I donate?
You may direct your email to: We accept gently used or new professional men’s clothing.