Otto Beatty Jr. Men’s Shop

Program Description:  Otto Beatty Men’s Shop (OBJr.) promotes and supports the professional appearance of individuals transitioning into employment, entrepreneurship, and self-sufficiency. The “suit” supports individual power and presence in preparation to perform in the workplace.

*Please Note: The men’s shop is currently only serving internal participants who are connected to our workforce development programs.*

Documentation Needed

  • Valid driver’s license/photo I.D. for the main applicant

  • Social Security card for every member of the household

  • Previous 30 days' proof of income for everyone 18 and over in the household

  • Examples include employment pay stubs, SSI award letter, etc.

How to Apply for Services: Customers can email

Customer Walk-In Availability:  There are no walk-in options available.

Options to Submit an Application:  In-person upon their scheduled appointment time.


  1. Who is eligible?

    Franklin County residents who are at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines

  2. Where are you located?

    IMPACT Community Action ( 1st Floor ) 711 Southwood Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43207

  3. What are the hours of operation?

    Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. (appointment only)

  4. What can I receive?

    Fitting includes a jacket, pants, shirt, tie, belt, socks, and shoes based on availability.

    Professional Grooming for a licensed Barber. (by appointment only)

  5. How long does it take?

    Fitting & Grooming can take up to one hour.

  6. How often can I receive suiting?

    Once per program year

  7. How can I donate?

    You may direct your email to: We accept gently used or new professional men’s clothing.