Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Frequently Asked Questions

How do you apply for utility assistance?

  • Call the IVR system 614-246-0019

  • Apply online at www.energyhelp.ohio.gov

  • Walk-In stand-by based on no-show appointments at 10:00 am, 11:00am 3:00pm and 4:00pm

What is the required documentation needed to HEAP receive assistance?

  • 30 days of previous income

  • Gas Bill

  • Electric Bill

  • Proof of Citizenship

  • State ID

What is PIPP

PIPP is the Percentage of Income Program. You will pay a percentage of your income to the utility company, which is based on your last 30 days of income.

How long does it take to have an application processed?

Applications will be processed within 2-4 business days.

Can I utilize the winter crisis 175.00 benefit for both utilities?

No, the 175.00 benefit is split between both utilities based on the total account balance.

Can I send a non-household member to apply for services on my behalf?

Yes, they must have a signed, notarized letter and/or signed power of attorney documentation.

Can I apply for services over the phone?

No, you must make an appointment by phone at 614-246-0019

Are you able to stop a disconnection/termination notice?

Yes, if you have a scheduled appointment we will place a hold to stop disconnection of services.

Why is one of my utility bills on PIPP and not the other?

Gas and electric are two different companies, review all pages of the bills to verify the re-verification date. Both utility bills will be reverified at the same time.

My PIPP amount is based on a percentage of income. What happens to the remaining balance?

If paid on time, you will receive 1/244 credit towards the outstanding utility balance.

What is considered an on-time PIPP payment?

A payment is posted to your account before the next utility bill is issued.

What is HEAP?

HEAP is the Home Energy Assistance Program, it assists income-eligible Ohioans with their heating bills.

What are the dates for the Winter Crisis Program (WCP)?

The programs begin annually on November 1st and end March 31st

What are the dates for the Summer Crisis Program (SCP)?

The programs begin annually on July 1st and end September 30th

How do I check the status of my HEAP application?

To check the status of your application, please call 614-252-2799. An Advisor will contact you within 48 hours of the inquiry.


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