Car Repair
Program Description: The purpose of this service is to ensure continuous mobility for residents of Columbus and Franklin County by providing financial assistance for car repairs.
Intake Process: Customer will come at designated appointment date & time to complete application. Once complete application and all documentation is collected. An IMPACT Rep will verify that all required documentation is present and application is complete. IMPACT Rep will provide the customer with next steps.
Documentation Needed:
Valid driver’s license/photo I.D. for main applicant
Proof of Citizenship (Social Security card, Birth Certificate, Voter Registration, New Federal ID, or Passport) for every member of the household
Previous 30 days' proof of income for everyone 18 and over in the household
Examples include employment pay stubs, SSI award letter, etc.
$100 co-pay (money order only)
Proof of Valid Ohio Car Registration
(1) Car Repair Quotes from preferred vendor OR (2) from different auto shops on company letterhead or official business invoice or quote with company name, email address and company phone number.
Program Benefits: Car Repair Assistance has a maximum benefit of $1500.00. This assistance will be provided in the form of check or direct deposit to the IMPACT preferred auto shop. All repairs over the $1500.00 max benefit will be the responsibility of the customer. Proof of payment may be required to be made prior to receiving the assistance.
What Program Covers? Cost associated with the repair of a motor vehicle.
What This Program Doesn’t Cover? Auto Mechanics or Vendors that are not registered with State of Ohio and/or IRS as an official business. Late charges, repossession cost, lot or towing cost. Collision, Body, and/or Cosmetic Repairs or enhancements.
How to Apply for Service: Customer can call 614.252.2799 and ask to speak with a live representative. Appointments are open on the First day of each month on a first come first served bases. Once appointments are full, customers can try again on the following month on 10AM.
Appointment Number: 614.252.2799 and ask to speak with a live representative.
Customer Walk-In Availability: No WALK INS
Options to Submit an Application: Appointments Only at this time. Make your appointment by calling 614.252.2799 and ask to speak with a live representative.